Booty / Stolin list

A documentary on cultural ownership.

The Markell Brothers are doing it again. If you saw the documentaries Feathered Cocaine and/or Trend Beacons you’re in for a treat in their latest endeavour Booty / Stolin list. The brothers have researched how the museums of the former colonial superpowers have hoarded cultural treasures and cornerstones of the former colonies to be displayed as the crown jewels of their museums. When the former colonies want their cultural heritage back, they get the answer that this is not their property. How did it come to this? Is there a solution to this dilemma?

KAM film had the pleasure of color grading the 3 hour documentary mini-series and the 90 min. theatrical version. For a sneak peak you can see their trailer here.

You Say You Want a Revolution / Bráðum verður bylting

From left: Historian Þorsteinn Helgason, musician and sound mixer Hallur Ingólfsson in a lively discussion with filmmaker Hjálmtýr Heiðdal

Seylan Film Production recently premiered a feature documentary which chronicles members of Iceland´s ’68 generation who were participants in the turmoil that characterised this period culminating in Icelandic students taking over the Icelandic Embassy in Sweden in 1970.

The film is helmed by filmmaker Hjálmtýr Heiðdal and actor Sigurður Skúlason and KAM film was brought on to provide color grading, on-line and deliverables.

Góa´s Candy Factory For 50 Years

It was a treat for KAM film to be asked to color grade nine infomercials celebrating the 50 years the Icelandic candy manufacturer Góa has been up and running.

Commissioned by Pipar\TBWA they are being aired on TV and appearing on Facebook. Góa is still run by founder/owner Helgi Vilhjálmsson and their treats are a common fare at KAM film’s offices since Konrad Gylfason got hooked on them when working at the chocolate factory as a teenager.

„Fjársjóður framtíðar“ Gets an Award

From left: Hallgrímur Jónasson, General Director of Rannís, Steinunn Gestsdóttir, Pro-Rector of Academic Affairs and Development, Stefán Drengsson cameraman, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Konráð Gylfason KAM film, Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir, Pro-Rector of Science, Björn Gíslason, Project Manager, og Jón Örn Guðbjartsson, Director of The Divison of Marketing and Public Relations. Photo/Kristinn Ingvarsson
Konrad, Jón Örn and Björn ready for the glacier

The 3rd season of the TV series Fjársjóður framtíðar (Future Treasures) which was aired on the State Broadcasting Services RÚV in 2018 received the prestigious Scientific Outreach Award from Rannís – The Icelandic Center for Research. The award, presented by Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, Minister of Education, Science and Culture, at the Researcher’s Night in Iceland on September 28th acknowledges exceptional success in presenting scientific information to the general public.

An Eagles Nest

The five half hour episodes were produced in 4K by KAM film and the University of Iceland. Written and directed by Björn Gíslason, Jón Örn Guðbjartsson and Konrad Gylfason the series was over 2 years in the making and involved the research of over 80 scientists ranging from localised cancer to glaciers and global environmental issues.

Konrad Gylfason of KAM film has worked on all three series but this is the first season produced by KAM film. As with all the other seasons the focus was on the scientists and their amazing research and their willingness to share with us their findings makes them the real winners of this award.

Photos/Kristinn Ingvarsson

Two Projects at the Skjaldborg Documentary Festival

We are proud of having worked on two of the documentaries selected for the 2018 Skaldborg Documentary Film Festival taking place in the West Fjords this coming Whitsunday weekend. The films mentioned are Within Reach and So You Want a Revolution!

KAM film provided color grading of Within Reach which is produced by Gudbergur Davidsson for Ljósopi ehf. in cooperation with Markell Productions helmed by the Markell brothers Örn Marinó Arnarson and Þorkell Harðarson.

Within Reach follows Gudmund Felix Gretarson who in 1998 lost both his arms at the shoulder in a terrible work accident. Since then he has championed for an operation allowing him to get new arms. Gudmundur will in all likelyhood be the first human to have whole arms transplanted at the shoulder. He moved to France in 2013 but things have not been going his way so far. He is still waiting for the operation and the preparations continue.

Here you can see a trailer for the film.

KAM film provided color grading and on-line services for the documentary So You Want a Revolution produced by production company Seylan ehf. In the film director Hjálmtýr Heiðdal og actor Sigurður Skúlason bring to us the tumultuous years of the late 1960’s through the stories of the individuals that on April 20th 1970 stormed the Icelandic embassy in Stockholm, Sweden protesting cuts in student funding.

Here  you can see a trailer for the film.

Future Treasures – third season on RÚV tonight

We at KAM film are proud to have been a part of the programs we produced with the University of Iceland for the state television station RÚV. In the 5 episodes we get to know the diverse subjects scientists at the university are studying. It came as a surprise to us standing outside the scholarly discipline when we discovered how varying, interesting and professional work these Icelandic scientists were performing. We traveled all over the country and spoke to over 80 scientists to find out what they were researching and we did find some very interesting subjects.

Future Treasures is the brainchild of Jon Orn Gudbjartsson and he and his colleague, Bjorn Gislason have handled things well resulting in the 3rd season beginning on RÚV tonight. Konrad Gylfason has been working on the series with them from the start but this third season is the first time that KAM film comes in on the production. The two other exceptional series were produced by Kukl ehf og D.P. Bjarni Felix Bjarnason, set the standard in the first two series that had to be met.

Konrad Gylfason was a key-player in the production og the show but they would never have achieved this quality of work without the great underwater camerawork of Erlendur Bogason, the stunning  „drone“ aerials from OZZO photo, the exceptional time-lapses of Þorvarður Árnason and the insightful material Stefan Drengsson captured in and around the university . The previous seasons also provided excellent stock footage Bjarni Felix filmed for Kukl and the scientists them selfs also played a big part with the imagery they acquired while doing their research .

The production was capped of with the quality audio work of re-recording mixer Birgir Tryggvason at and we sincerely hope that the program manages to amaze, educate and entertain our television viewers.

For the technophiles we can mention that the series was filmed in  UHD (4K-TV) with a  Black Magic Design camera and all the time-lapses and „drone“ aerials too. The series was edited in Premiere Pro CC doing a round-trip to Davinci Resolve for grade before being completed in Premiere Pro. Audio mixing was done in Pro-Tools at hljóð.is.

Here is a trailer for the series.

Here is a trailer for the episode appearing tonight.

Varnarliðið sýnt í sjónvarpi allra landsmanna

„Varnarliðið“ Kaldastríðsútvörður er komið í sýningar hjá RÚV-sjónvarp og var fyrsti hlutinn af fjórum sýndur síðastliðinn sunnudag.

Annar hluti, sem tekur fyrir árin 1960 til 1980, verður sýndur núna á sunnudaginn 14. janúar kl. 21:35 strax á eftir örugglega æsispennandi leik Íslands og Króatíu í handbolta.

Ef þú misstir af fyrsta hlutanum, þar sem fjallað er um aðdragandann og komu „Varnarliðsins“ og söguna allt fram til ársins 1960, þá er ennþá möguleiki á því að sjá hann til 6. febrúar á Sarpinum en þú kemst þangað með því að smella HÉR.

„Varnarliðið“ Kaldastríðsútvörður

Ný heimildamynd frumsýnd

Það er gaman að segja frá því að heimildamyndin „Varnarliðið“ Kaldastríðsútvörður verður sýnd í Bíó Paradís frá 16. nóvember 2017. Heimildamyndin segir frá sögu Bandaríska hersins á Íslandi frá 1951 til 2001 þegar hann fór frá landinu. Vera hans hafði gríðarleg áhrif á íslenska pólitík, menningu og efnahag.

Phantom F-4 fylgir eftir Tupolev Tu-95 „Björnin“

Það eru KAM film og Ljósop ehf.  sem framleiða myndina saman og hefur hún verið í vinnslu í nokkur ár. Leikstjórar eru Guðbergur Davíðsson og Konráð Gylfason sem skrifuðu handritið ásamt Friðþóri Eydal en verkið er byggt á rannsóknarvinnu Friðþórs.



Fylgst var með allri flugumferð við landið.

Í 55 ár var Bandarískur her staðsettur á Íslandi á vegum NATO með bækistöð við flugvöllinn í Keflavík og er þessari merkilegu sögu gerð skil  í myndinni. Rætt er við hermenn sem voru staðsettir hér ásamt íslendingum sem unnu á „Vellinum“ eins og hann var kallaður. Þá er leitað til sérfræðinga sem útlista og taka pólinn á ýmsum málum sem tengjast sögu hersins á Íslandi.

Upplýsingar um sýningartíma er hægt að finna á heimasíðu Bíó Paradís.

Trailer fyrir myndina er hægt að skoða hérna.

The Documentary Sagnadans (Narrative dance) is available on Vimeo on Demand

Sagnadans/Narrative dance – a documentary film by Konrad Gylfason.

At one point in Iceland´s history, music and dancing was prohibited which resulted in the music being lost but the lyrics remained where as in the rest of Scandinavia the music lived on and the lyrics were lost.

Singer/songwriter Anna Pálína Árnadóttir, songwriter/poet Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson and the Swedish folk music trio Draupner join forces in bringing those ancient Icelandic lyrics to life in Sagnadans (narrative dance).

Sagnadans was performed in 2002 and was Anna Pálína Árnadóttir’s last project but she passed away only two months after filming was completed.

Icelandi & Swedish dialogue with English subtitles for spoken words and lyrics.