Young People Discuss Drug Abuse

In an effort to make teenagers more aware of the choices they have to make each year, MK Grammar School, whose body of students consists of 16 to 20 year old students, launched this prevention initiative.
Students from the school researched and interviewed other young persons who had fallen prey to drug abuse and the video consists of open and honest interviews with young persons who went to hell on drugs, lost friends and managed to become sober. All the time knowing that the addiction can claim them again if they make the wrong choice.
Smari Tarfur of Quarashi fame tells about his struggle with addiction and on the other side of the coin are young persons that have chosen not to smoke or drink and they relate the pressure put on them to try.
Haraldur Gunnar Oskarsson
Anna Solveig Askelsdottir
Jon Skuli Traustason
Smari Tarfur
Yr Sigurdardottir
Einar Karl Birgisson
Eva Ruza Miljevic
Produced by
Konrad Gylfason & Neil McMahon
Directed by
Konrad Gylfason
Executive Producers
Thoranna Tomasdottir Gröndal
& Hannes Hilmarsson
Ingi R. Ingason
Ragga Steina
Instruction & Supervision
Neil McMahon
Research & Shooting Script
Gunnar Örn Ingólfsson
Jon SKúli Traustason
Gunnar Örn Benediktsson
Bjarni Hauksson
Based on a Script by
Thoranna Tomasdottir Gröndal
& Hannes Hilmarsson
Editing & On-Line
Konráð Gylfason
The Project Received Support from
The Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Kópavogur Township
Produced by
KAM film
MK Grammar School
Production Year
Running Time
23 minutes