A Documentary on Iceland´s 6th largest city, the NATO base in Keflavík

KAM film was granted access to the NATO base for a whole week to film the daily activities and interview a cross section of the NATO personnel stationed there, their families and the Icelandic support crews.

This documentary is a unique window into a world that was, how people lived and worked there but the base was abandoned in 2006 and all military personnel left the base.

Aired on RUV – TV, April 2nd 1995
You can watch the film for free on Vimeo …
… and there is also an Icelandic language version.
or you can check it out on our YouTube Channel.
Admiral Stanley Bryant
Lt. Col. Sterling S. Anderson
Shelley Anderson
Capt. Reed Cooley
Ed Ziegler
Art Benjamin
Paul Pepin
Liz Pepin
Capt. John A. Mitas
Árni Þór Hilmarsson
Tracy May
John Allen
Krishna James
Stephanie Bruno
Oron Murphy
Arni Watland
Helga Eyþórsdóttir
Francesca Laurenzi
Tami Fowler
Hrafn Jónsson
Skafti Þórisson
Sveinn Björnsson
David Taylor
Produced, Written & Directed by
Konrad Gylfason
Narrated by
Þorsteinn Helgason
Guðbergur Davíðsson
Sound Recording
Heimir Barðason
Edited by
Konrad Gylfason
On-Line Editor
Ólafur Ragnar Halldórsson
Sound Mix
Júlíus Agnarsson; Stúdíó One
Production Year
Running Time
48:20 minutes
Thanks To
Friðþór Eydal
Magnús St. Norðdahl
Anna María & Hörður Sveinn
Íslenskir Aðalverktakar hf
Olíufélagið hf Esso
Kvikmyndagerðin Garpur hf